Monkey Park
MonkeyPark Harrachov is situated in the vicinity of the last curve of the Harrachov bobsled track. It offers 14 obstacles, and it is 273 m long. The last two obstacle courses of the rope park lead through the thrilling 117 meter-long slide on a rope over a mountain lake. “MonkeyPark Harrachov” was designed for the wider public, including children whose height is 140 cm or more. It was planned and designed so that even an absolutely untrained tourist or a child of the required height can manage it. Despite that (or maybe because of that), even such visitors will have a wonderful experience. The attraction of “MonkeyPark Harrachov” rests in gradually conquering obstacles suspended on ropes between trees 3-7 meters above the ground.
Special “bases”, on which a visitor may rest, as well as use while moving from one obstacle to another, are secured between individual obstacles on the trees. The park's location directly inside the full-grown forest amplifies the experience. A visitor moves “between sky and earth”, but contrary to artificial rope courses, they spend time amongst nature, below the treetops, and with the bonus of an attractive “flight” over a mountain lake.
512 46 Harrachov