Art Nouveau Spa Colonnade
One of the most interesting features of spa architecture in Janske Lazne, just like in every proper spa, is the Art Nouveau spa colonnade designed by architect Brang from Vienna. The building, which dominates the main square, consists of a steel structure on deep piles and was completed in 1904 by builder Johann Blaschek from Trutnov. The land was obtained by filling the deep valley of the Jansky brook with soil while the water was diverted into an underground channel following a project by designer Otto Fiedler.
Janske Lazne was built around a thermal spring discovered, according to historical records, in the 11th century. The first use of this spring for healing purposes is mentioned back in the 14th century. In 1451 the place was visited by the apostolic legate Aeneus Silvius, later to become Pope Pius II. A spa for public use was established by Jan Adolph Schwarzenberg in 1675.
Janske Lazne spa focuses primarily on treatment of the locomotive organs, specialising in poliomyelitis, but it’s not merely a spa resort: it is also a sports and recreation centre. The spa colonnade is a popular resting place. Regular Friday dance evenings are held in the colonnade hall, along with the Spring and Advent creative fairs, fairytales for children and various concerts.
542 25 Janské Lázně