Cerna Hora Mountain – Horni Alberice – Horni Mala Upa
This hike is more demanding, with greater gradients and steep descents and ascents between Cerna hora and Rychorska chalet. Take the Main Krkonosska Trail from Cerna hora Mountain via the Velke Pardubicke and Krausovy chalets and descend to Horni Marsov.
Cross the main road to Pec pod Snezkou in the village and begin to ascend to the ridges for Rychorska chalet. You will continue via the Rychorsky kriz junction, Mravenci hill and Cepel hill along the state border to Horni Alberice.
As this is a continuous ascent, even though mild, you might want to take a break at Lysecinska chalet, from where it is only a short wayto the destination. Continue to Cestnik junction where you turn right still on the Main Krkonosska Trail and reach Horni Mala Upa, your destination.
Cerna hora – Velke Pardubicke Boudy chalets – Krausovy boudy – Horni Marsov – Kutna, Rychory – Rychorsky kriz – Cestnik – Horni Mala Upa
- Trip length: 26,5 km
- Refreshments: Bistro a restaurant Na lanovce – Rýchorská bouda – Lysečinská bouda