Vitkovice – Harrachov
This is the backbone track through the western part of the Krkonose. It assumes that skiers will reach the track's beginning by chairlift, be it Vitkovice - Aldrov or Harrachov - Certova Mountain. The track begins in the Vitkovice-Aldrov resort and runs through Rezek, the Excursion trail, the ‘Sedlo pod Dvorackami’ junction, Dvoracky chalets, the Rucicky junction, the Studenov junction, the ‘Pod Certovou horou’ junction (connection to the chairlift station on Certova Mountain), the Na Kamlu junction, Malinova trail and Na Myte. This is a more demanding track.
Aldrov, Vitkovice v Krkonosich – Rezek, rozc. – Exkurzni cesta – Sedlo pod Dvorackami – Dvoracky – Ruciciky – Studenov – Modra sjezdovka – Na Kamlu – Malinova cesta – Na Myte
- Length: 23 km
- Refreshments: Bufet Stodola, Aldrov – Restaurace Rezek – Restaurace Štumpovka, Dvoračky – Zimní kiosek, Čertova hora