Via Struhadla Chalets
Vrchlabi - Krasna Plan
The marked track begins next to the cinema in Vrchlabi and skis can be put on several hundred metres farther on, in the Municipal Park. It runs through the Vapenice junction to Strazne, Sestidomi and Zadni Struhadlo, and ends at the ‘U Krasne Plane’ junction. It is a medium difficulty track with mild as well as steep ascents.
- Length: 13 km
- Imbiss: Obecní restaurace Strážné Restaurant
- How to get there: by bus to Spindelruv Mlyn, by skibus to the entrance of cross-country tracks
- Parking: Parkoviste 1 Bedrichov - Parkoviste 2 Hromovka
Link to mapy.cz