A trip around Mala Upa

A trip around Mala Upa

This route leads from Pomezni Boudy to Lysecinska Hora and from there to Alberice and back. It is ideal for families with children or people who prefer comfortable routes without big hills.

A pleasant surprise is that the route is not demanding in terms of climbing. It climbs slightly at the beginning, but then continues along the flat and picturesque Hrebenovka. The whole route is marked in GREEN and bears the name of Ing. Jiří Novák.

If you are lucky and the sun is shining, you will have beautiful views of our queen Snezka on the way. The road then turns down a little bit on a rocky path, but you will suddenly reach a flat road made of gravel.

When you reach the shelter and the signpost - Horni Alberice - CZ/PL you will take the yellow trail for a short distance and at the signpost Horni Alberice - CZ/PL, you will reach the trailhead. You will take the red trail, which you will follow more than half of the way back, and which is made of asphalt.  On the way you will meet many resting places and shelters if you want to rest. 

  • Length of the route: 17,5 km
  • Refreshments available: the Lysecinska chalet, Krmelec u Kravi hory. 
  • Transport: by bus to the stop Mala Upa, Horni Mala Upa, Pomezni boudy
  • Parking: by car to the parking lot of Pomezni boudy near the Information Centre 


Author of the article: Hana Jampílková 


Lysecinska chalet

Lysecinska chalet is located above Horni Marsov in Horni Lyseciny on the slope of Pomezni Ridge. The traditional wooden mountain hut offers visitors a comfortable pleasant environment and a peaceful atmosphere.


Krmelec u Kravi hory

Pension Krmelec u Kravi hory is located in Mala Upa in the heart of the Krkonose Mountains. Pension offers you a comfortable, pleasant environment and a peaceful atmosphere.


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