Krkonošské pivo

Krkonose Micro-Breweries

Beer has been crafted for more than five thousand years. It has been brewing in the Krkonose Mountains and their foothills since about the 13th century. Traditional brewing had to give way for a time to large-scale production and breweries of European importance. In recent years, however, it has returned to its roots, back to the mountain huts. This gives you the opportunity to taste refreshing and refreshing beers on your hike, made from the mountain spring water that is their most essential ingredient. Each beer has its own story and approach, but they all have one thing in common - they are brewed with honesty and heart. 

Get to know them all and then go and taste them on the Krkonose Beer Trail!

Pivo Trautenberk

Krkonose Micro-Breweries


Fries brews beer at the Andula Guesthouse in Fries' huts, which also provides accommodation and excellent cooking. While you cool your throat with a beer, you can rest your feet in the pleasantly cool lake after climbing the metres. If you're lucky, you'll even catch a glimpse of the cute little boobies that live there. 

Fries brewer Jan Králík brews with Czech malt and hops and prides himself on the quality of the spring water, the source of which springs from the Fries huts. They offer the year-round classics in the form of a light lager, a semi-dark special or a semi-dark ale, and seasonally they rotate between various limitations, such as Indian Pale Ale, Red IPU or Sour Beer, the so-called sour beer. 

Fries Brewery


The Trautenberk brewery is one of the youngest additions to the family of Krkonoše microbreweries. It was built in the village of Malá Úpa, number 87, in the premises of the former Tippeltova bouda, later known as the Družba Hotel. If you go a little overboard with the beer, you can also stay here. Either in rooms or in the so-called sleeping room with a capacity of 20 people. Don't forget to have a bite to eat here, because the cooking is really great and there is something for everyone. 

Beer is prepared without pasteurization and filtering, refreshing, thin and bitter just right. They gradually change their beer offer so that you will always have a reason to come back to them.

Trautenberk Brewery

Pecky Brewery

The beautiful surroundings of the Krkonose Mountains and honest beer with the apt name of Snezka, that is the Pecky Brewery. It offers a total of four types of beers of different grades and flavours, they pay attention to cleanness in brewing, correct temperature, quality of ingredients, length of fermentation and quality of bottling. In addition, you can taste the beer directly in their brewery and choose the one you enjoy the most. Then you can enjoy more in the stylish brasserie. 

In the adjacent Bouda Mama Hotel, to which the brewery belongs, you can lay your head, relax in the newly built wellness area, or get fit with a game of squash. You can also see the production of the golden beverage itself during a guided tour accompanied by a tasting of beers and other culinary specialties.

Pecky Brewery


The story of the Hendrych brewery in Vrchlabi began with a dream of a family business that makes great Czech products. Ideas and plans were born gradually. In 2012 they completed the necessary preparations and in September they launched the beer on the market. Since then they have been going for quality - full-bodied, bitter and distinctive beer. Czech product, full taste, quality, originality, pleasant bitterness. You will find all this and much more in every glass of their beer. 

You can buy the beer for your trip directly at the brewery, but if you want to enjoy Hendrych freshly tapped, you will have to stop either at Friesovy boudy Chalet or at Craft Coffee in Pec pod Sněžkou. 

Hendrych Brewery

Medved Brewery

At the beginning of the creation of the Krkonose Medved microbrewery in Vrchlabi was a natural borehole that draws water directly from the area of the so-called Vrchlabi hell, but don't worry. The only thing the water has in common with hell is that it is damn clean. 

Since 1995, beer has been brewed here mainly from Czech malt.

The basis of production is the classic 12° Czech-style lager, brewed using the classic three-mash mashing process, which has made the Czech Pilsner-style beer world-famous.

Medved Brewery

Other microbreweries

The golden mocha is also prepared by their own efforts and proven methods at Lučni Chalet. Parohac beer is produced here. Beer inherently belongs to the glassmaking craft, so they also brew their own beverage in the Novosad & Son Glassworks in Harrachov. You can also taste Frantisek beer. In Paseky nad Jizerou, there is a chalet called Na Perlicku, which locals call something other than Prdek. Hence the name of their beer Prdecky Perlik. Try it with a game of chamburin. The U Capa complex in Prichovice is associated with the name of Jara Cimrman. And since it was Svetobeznik, their original beer is called the same. 

Beware - neither of these breweries is part of the Krkonose Beer Trail.

Krkonošská pivní stezka

Conquer the only high mountain beer trail in Europe!

Enjoy a great meal at the mountain huts and a brewery tour accompanied by the brewmaster. The Krkonose Beer Trail offers 2 route options, both of which are just over 30 km long, with a lot of elevation gain. You'll get your fill! We therefore recommend that you plan your hike for the weekend, start on Friday evening and enjoy it to the fullest, including overnight stays in mountain huts. 

Bottom line: 5 microbreweries + 30 kilometres + tastings + excursions + wellness = 3 days in the mountains = 2 nights in Krkonose chalets. 

How to experience the Krkonose Beer Trail