KRNAP Administration temporarily closes some mountain roads
For the fourth year, the Krkonose National Park Administration is temporarily closing some roads or their sections from 15 March to 31 May in order to protect against disturbance to sensitive species of animals, following the declaration of eight rest areas and the related reservation of paths and routes in these areas. These sections will be clearly marked on the ground with a sign with the accompanying text 'No access for nature conservation reasons from 15 March to 31 May'.
The reason for the seasonal closure of specific hiking trails or their sections is the fact that they lead through places of regular occurrence of sensitive species, especially the common grouse, which is the subject of protection of the KRNAP and the Krkonoše Mountains Bird Area. The aim of this measure is primarily to protect grouse and their regularly used watering places during the most sensitive period of their flow and breeding.
The seasonal closure during this particular time period will help to protect this species especially during its sensitive period with the least possible restrictions for visitors to the Krkonose Mountains. However, strict observance of these seasonal closures is a prerequisite, as is observance of the year-round ban on movement outside designated paths and routes in quiet areas.
Specifically, these are the following paths or sections of paths:
- The Yellow Tourist Path in the direction from Zadni Rennerovky to Hanapetrov Paseka, leading along the border of the quiet area in the section from Pod Zadnimi Rennerovkami to the Fox Path cycle route (general nature measure of the KRNAP Administration No. OOP 6/2020).
- The Green Tourist Route in the section from Vosecká bouda to Labska louka (OOP 7/2020).
- The Blue Tourist Route (Davidova) in the section of Davidova Bouda (branch from the weighbridge in front of the Dírečka stream, branch of cycle route 15A) to the junction above Erlebachova bouda (OOP 7/2020).
- Yellow hiking trail from Tetřevích Budy to Liščí louka in the section Černý potok to Liščí louka (crossroads), leading partly along the border of the rest area (OOP 8/2020 and 10/2020).
- Winter track from Malý Sisak to Lucni bouda, in the section Pod Malym Sisakem to Lucni bouda Chalet (OOP 8/2020).
- The Bishop Doubrava Trail in the section from the boundary of the rest area above the hunting lodge Jan in the direction below Jelenka and the path turning south from it to Niklovu Vrch (OOP 8/2020).
- The Yellow Trail in the section from Vaclavak (nature trail) to Peticesti (OOP 9/2020).
- The Cernohorske peat bogs nature trail in the section Nad Pardubické Boudami - lookout tower - U Hubertovy vyhlídky - Velké Pardubické Boudy (OOP 9/2020).
- The green hiking trail from Tetřeví to Hrncirske Boudy, in the section Tetrevi Boudy (border of the rest area) to Cista /path, crossroads (OOP 10/2020).
- The Green Tourist Route (Jiří Novák) in the section where the border of the quiet area meets the state border with Poland (OOP 11/2020).
- Yellow hiking trail in the section Kolínská bouda to Slatinná stráň (OOP 12/2020).
- Most of the seasonally closed trails are bypassed by neighbouring marked trails.
Similar measures to the Czech National Park have been adopted for many years by the Directorate of the Karkonosze National Park in Poland. It closes four roads from 1 April to 31 May:
- The green hiking trail from the crossroads Ruins of the Schoronisko im. The red tourist path of Czech-Polish friendship (around the Wielki Staw)
- Blue hiking trail (Hřebenovka) from Horní Mala Upa over the Forest Ridge (Kowarski Grzbiet) to the crossroads with the yellow hiking trail (top of Tabule)
- Yellow hiking trail from the Mokre Rozdroze crossroads below Violík towards Snezne jamy
- Green hiking trail from the Mokre Rozdroze crossroads towards Snezne jamy to the Rozdroze crossroads below Wielki Szyszak
More information:
Mgr. Radek Drahný, MBA, tiskový mluvčí, vedoucí oddělení styku s veřejností Správy KRNAP
tel.: 737 209 900, e-mail: rdrahny@krnap.cz, www.krnap.cz