Eliska Viewing Tower at Stachelberg Fort
This viewing tower was built close to Stachelberg Fort, near Zacler. It offers views of the Vrani, Jestrebi and Orlicke Mountains, the Krkonose foothills, the Polish areas around Lubawka and Kamienna Gora, and the western parts of the Klodzko region around Hejsovna (Szczelincze).
It was built as part of the “Euroregion Glacensis Viewing Points” project. Completed in October 2014, it was inaugurated one month later.
The information panel next to the viewing tower provides basic information about the tower in Czech and Polish, and visitors can also use the QR code, which takes them to the town’s website with detailed information in Czech, Polish, German and English.
Trutnov – Babí
541 01 Trutnov
541 01 Trutnov
50.6293986N, 15.9112158E
Link to mapy.cz