

This is a town of many faces, each worth seeing. It can be a town of the dragon, bound in legends and protected by Krakonos, the master of the mountains. A town in the heart of the Eastern Krkonose foothills, around which there are beautiful places everywhere within reach: the Krkonose and Mount Snezka, Jestrebi Mts. and Adrspach-Teplice Rocks, the Podkrkonosi region and Kuks, or the zoo in Dvur Kralove nad Labem. A town which lives in many festivals. A town which attracts you to be active in nature. A town which captivates with its flowering main square, and a large number of cafes and exhibitions.

Legend of the Dragon

A local chronicler mentioned the mythical beginnings linked with the legend of the killing of a dragon in the 16th century. The Dragon Gallery explains the story and the link between the Dragon of Turnov and that of Brno, the capital of Moravia. There are dragons about the town and the park. One of them used to be located on the fountain in Krakonosovo Sq., where it was replaced by Krakonos, the master of the mountains.

Festival Tones

The tones of the festivals resound in the town every year: Jazzinec – music by the world’s leading players; CIRK-UFF – a new circus featuring top acrobatics; Kafe and Jazz – you won’t find better coffee anywhere, except perhaps at the U Volku café; Obscene Extreme – besides Trutnov, this event also takes place in Montreal, Tokyo and Melbourne; Artu Kus Festival – a combination of theatre and music.

Sports, relaxation and tradition

There’s also some sport here. Those who are crazy about biking will certainly enjoy the Trutnov Trails or the Vlcka Bike Park. You will have a great time at the outdoor sports grounds in Paradraha and Houska. An easier alternative is the sports and recreational facility in Dolce (including swimming and camping) and obviously the summer swimming pool or indoor pool.

A visit to the weaver’s workshop at the Pod Jasanem house is a great experience, where you can make your own souvenir from flax threads.

So see you in Trutnov!

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Eastern Krkonose Mountains
Slovanské nám. 165
54116 Trutnov
50.5616950N, 15.9160481E
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