Spindleruv Mlyn – Lucni chalet
pindleruv Mlyn – follow the yellow-marked tourist trail along the Drevarska Trail – ‘Bouda u Bileho Labe’ chalet – follow the blue-marked tourist trail (Weberova Trail) through the Bile Labe river valley3 (a very dangerous and tricky passage) – at the end turn off the blue to the Bile Labe river, cross the river and continue along its left - hand side3 (when looking upstream) – Lucni chalet – follow the red-marked tourist trail down the Stara Bucharova road for Tetrevi zlab valley3 (a steep passage, avalanche starting zone) – follow the contour lines down to Hrazeny dul valley3 (please keep to the track, do not leave it as plantations of young trees could be damaged) – through the glen along the Hrazeny brook2 (not allowed if snow layer is less than 30 cm) – Dlouhy dul valley – follow the green-marked tourist trail to Svaty Petr.
Length: 13,4 km
Explanations of Symbols
- Hard-to-orientate terrain
- Avalanche risk terrain
- Hard-to-orientate and avalanche risk terrain
- Other warnings; steep gradient
Under certain climatic conditions, life threatening circumstances and/or hard-to-orientate parts may occur on this route. Entry solely at your own risk! Contact the Mountain Rescue Service for the latest information.