Plan Hill – Cerna Hora Mountain
From the upper chair lift station to Plan Hill, go to the ‘Bouda na Rozcesti’ chalet, descend to Dvorska chalet and continue via the meadow patches around the Zadni Rennerovky chalets, to Sporitelna chalet, and along the side of Lisci hora hill for Tetrevi chalet. From there you will take a slight descent to Pec pod Snezkou, past Lesni bouda chalet and Hrncirska chalet, to Prazska chalet above Pec pod Snezkou, where you will see a road sign. Take the trail to the right for Cerna hora Mountain past Kolinska and other chalets. The Main Krkonosska Trail will take you along the top of Zrcadlo hill via and Cernohorske peat bogs to the top of Cerna hora Mountain.
Plan – Chalupa Na Rozcesti – Lisci hora – Lesni bouda – Prazska bouda – Kolinska bouda – Cerna hora
- Trip length: 16,8 km
- Refreshments: Na Pláni Restaurant - Chalupa na Rozcestí - Lesní bouda Chalet - Pražská bouda Chalet - Kolínská bouda Chalet- Na lanovce Restaurant, Černá hora Mountain