From Martinske Valley to Smedava
This cross-country trail runs uphill from the Martinske valley along the River Jizera. The less demanding part is in the area around Bukovec, a basalt hill with its top at 1005 m a.s.l. From there, the trail runs to Morina and Promenadni path, where the border fortifications system can be seen, and ends at Smedava chalet.
The trail is shorter but with a steeper passage climbing towards Jizerka settlement.
Martinske valley, Korenov – Jizerka – Morina – Promenadni path – Hranicni path – Smedava
- Length: 14,1 km
- Refreshment: Chata Sport Ski Restaurant - Mýtiny – Jizerka - Mořina
- Parking: Parkoviště fotbalové hřiště, Kořenov
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