Labska Dam
Thanks to its location in the middle of the protected areas of the Krkonossky National Park, providing clean and cool water from the River Labe (Elbe) all year round, Labska dam is a natural environment for the original salmonids, with brown trout and European grayling swimming up the dam feeder to spawn in their breeding grounds. The combination of beautiful surrounding countryside, the natural occurrence of brown trout and European grayling, and the frequent introduction of rainbow trout and char in market and trophy size makes fishing at Labska dam an exclusive experience. Try fishing from the bellyboat on the supply torrent when the sun rises above the mountains and you will see circles on the water surface from the smutting fish – something you will never forget.
Fishing permits are available from Milan Pavlik on +420 603 900 792 and must be collected in person from the gamekeeper’s lodge at Labska 30, at the intersection above the Clarion hotel towards the Rovinka junction. They cost 400 CZK per day, no licence is required.