Horní Maršov Cemetery Church

Horní Maršov

You will fall in love with this village at first sight thanks to its friendly and quiet atmosphere, picturesque carefully repaired historical buildings and unexpected views of the countryside. At second glance, you will appreciate the wide range of tourist services that will show you parts of the Krkonose you don’t know, with less known pathways, in broader contexts and with a careful approach to the landscape.

Holiday in harmony with the local landscape

Try any of the many small family-type guest houses or private chalets, and seek advice in either of the two original information centres here. They will certainly suggest you see the slopes of Stara hora, a mountain with a village bearing the same name that features a collection of timbered rural buildings, the Stations of the Cross and the chapel of St. Anne which dates back to 1752, and an important sight, the Aichelburg forest fort, now repaired. The key to the fort can be borrowed from the Vesely vylet gallery in Temny Dul. The former Dixova timber sanding plant and the stone warehouse for the flax mill in the village part called Temny Dul are also important architectural monuments.

A pleasant village in the landscape below Mount Snezka

You may be lucky and come when one of the local feasts is being celebrated: the traditional Marsov pilgrimage, Open Street – a unique happening, DOTEKY environmental festival, Trojudoli –meeting of local chalet and cottage owners, Earth Day, Shrovetide and many others.

Horni Marsov is an ideal place for a holiday, careful and considerate to the surrounding countryside.

Useful links:


Eastern Krkonose Mountains
Bertholdovo náměstí 102
542 26 Horní Maršov
50.6608392N, 15.8200969E
19. 1. 2025
9.8 °C
1.7 m/s

Výletní cíle v okolí