

Budarka, a direct trail along the slopes of Paseky nad Jizerou, runs from the river Jizera towards Rejdice, where it almost reaches the Jizerske Mts. It ascends above Paseky along the old road which the chalet owners used to carry butter and cheese to markets “as far as in Germany”.

You can stop by in the centre of Paseky nad Jizerou at the Memorial to Lost Patriots or near the church of St. Wenceslaus. The local churchyard is dominated by a monument to an important character in Paseky’s history, the teacher and writer Venceslav Metelka, by the sculptor Vladimir Preclik.

At the end of the journey, you can visit the Na Perlicku pub, from where long-distance views of the western parts of the Krkonose can be enjoyed. Besides organising a unique world championship in teetotum, the pub also offers excellent beer called Prdecky Perlik.


Památník zapadlých vlastenců

Památník zapadlých vlastenců najdete uprostřed krásné přírody s působivým výhledem na západní Krkonoše a v sousedství kostela sv. Václava z konce 18...
Památník zapadlých vlastenců

Horská chata Na Perlíčku - Prdek

Na konci cesty se určitě zastavte v hospodě Na Perlíčku (zvané PRDEK) s dalekými výhledy na celé západní Krkonoše. Nejen že tu pořádají jedinečné mistrovství světa v čamburíně, ale také čepují své výborné pivo - Prdecký Perlík.


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Holidays with children in the Krkonose Mountains
Holidays with children in the Krkonose Mountains

Fill your family time in the Krkonose Mountains with movement in nature, exploration, fun and fairy-tale adventures. We've chosen the best places for you, planned routes, prepared an adventurous stamp hunt and know where to hide in bad weather.

Hiking destinations and nearby trails