PROUD Rope Course
The PROUD (‘Stream’) Rope Course is located near the confluence of the Jizera and Mumlava rivers on an area of some 5,500 sq.m. It has a section with low elements, a newly opened part with low team elements, a training wall, several activities in ‘problem solving’, 10 high individual elements and 5 high team elements, 4–11 m in height, and a Challenge tower with several vertical elements and an elevated platform, 12 m above the ground. The platform is used to access a rope lift, 80 m in length. Our rope course has neat and practical background facilities. It offers two open fireplaces with places to sit, and two wooden summerhouses, suitable especially for groups when the weather is bad. The River Jizera flows just some 10 m from the course and can be used to refresh yourself in hot weather.
512 46 Harrachov