Between the Krkonose and the Jizerske Mountains
Kořenov - Paseky nad Jizerou
You can go to Kořenov by train or by car. From Korenov, take cycle track 22 up to Polubny, where you turn left onto a small road and go to Korenov past Tesarovska Chapel. Take the main road for Vysoke nad Jizerou. Turn left uphill on an old road in Prichovice and ascend to reach the Hvezda restaurant. Not far from the restaurant is the Stepanka viewing tower, offering a lovely view of the Krkonose and the Jizerske mountains. From Hvezda you take the descent on the old road to the Na Perlicku pub, until you take main road to the left, and turn left onto the 17A cycle track at the intersection after Cermakovy Rovne. The track will lead you to Paseky nad Jizerou.
- Length: 14 km
- Surface: very varied. The long downhill is suitable for more experienced cyclists. The descent from the Hvězda restaurant to the junction behind the Čermákovy Rovně settlement is steeper and stony in places. For this reason we recommend using an MTB bike.
- Attractions: Stepanka Viewing Tower, Memorial to Lost Patriots
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